Design Thinking

Online Design Thinking Certificate for Innovative Problem-Solving

In the Design Thinking Certificate course, you’ll gain an understanding of the design thinking framework and methodology to help you innovate solutions that are meaningful to your customers. This course provides opportunities to practice design thinking through interactive learning activities that highlight the five phases of the design thinking process: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

The certificate program culminates with an opportunity to apply design thinking to address an innovation challenge currently facing your professional team or organization.

Key Knowledge Areas of Design Thinking

Through our Design Thinking Certificate, you will:

  • Consider the strategic reasons for incorporating human-centered design within your organization’s existing practices.
  • Embrace design thinking mindsets to optimize effective collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Understand that human-centered design creates transformational opportunities by focusing on the customer first.
  • Learn and practice the phases of the design thinking process: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.
  • Experience design thinking methodologies firsthand using virtual design and collaboration tools. 
  • Gain confidence in your ability to start using design thinking terms, tools, and techniques in your professional work.


  • Professionals in any organization or field, including marketing managers, product managers, engineers, software developers, and executives

Course Requirements

Each of the six sessions is two and a half hours. The instructional format includes a combination of active learning and practice opportunities, direct instruction, video clips, remote small group work, discussion, and opportunities for questions and answers.

  • Session 1: Introduction to the design thinking process and building empathy for the user
  • Session 2: Observation and interviewing techniques, empathy and journey maps, personas
  • Session 3: Crafting insights and ideation
  • Session 4: Convergence techniques and storyboarding
  • Session 5: Prototyping, experimentation and testing, feasibility, and viability
  • Session 6: Incorporating design thinking within your professional context
Course Format: Virtual Instructor-Led
Schedule: 6-week course
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Tuition: $1995
CEUs: 1.50
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Bryant Value


This course is instructor-led, giving you both the flexibility of online learning and guidance throughout the process.

High-Caliber Faculty

All of our online courses are taught by top-notch Bryant faculty or industry experts who are leaders within their field.

Interactive Learning

During this 6-week course, you'll spend 4 to 5 hours per week on active learning, practice opportunities, remote small group work, and discussion.

Allison Butler, Ph.D.

Allison G. Butler, professor of psychology at Bryant University, is certified as an IDEO/Experience Point Design Thinking Facilitator and certified by the Luma Institute as a Design Thinking Practitioner. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Boston College, a M.Ed. in Educational Psychology from the University of Virginia, and a B.S. in Psychology from the College of William and Mary. As a human-centered design and innovation consultant, Butler designs and delivers experiential trainings on design thinking, leadership, and innovation strategy to a wide range of audiences. At Bryant University, Butler is the director of the university’s signature design thinking program, the Innovation and Design Experience for All (IDEA) program for first-year students.
See Professor Butler’s Bio

Allison Butler, Ph.D.

Faculty Profile - Alison Butler - 562x372

Lori Coakley, Ph.D.

Faculty Profile - Lori Coakley - 562x372

Lori Coakley, Ph.D.

Lori Coakley, professor in the Department of Management at Bryant University, received her Ph.D. in Organizational Studies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is senior research fellow for the Hassenfeld Institute for Public Leadership, conducting workshops on leadership, team building, power and influence, negotiation and communication. A certified facilitator in Innovation and Design Thinking, her consulting work and research publications center on design thinking and business pedagogy, organizational leadership, executive presence/personal branding, negotiation, and strategic management.
See Professor Coakley’s Bio

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